SimAnt Cheater is a system extension which adds an extra menu to SimAnt and lets you access all the 'Easter Eggs' that I know about.
Version 1.1 fills out the question marks from the earlier release, and adds a few new cheats.
To work, put this in the System folder or in the 'Extensions' folder upon startup and make sure that the SimAnt program has the word 'SimAnt' in it somewhere in it's name (capitalization counts). This is how it knows to which program to add the extra menu.
The list of Easter Eggs supported has been taken from various posts in Maxis' forum on AOL, but primarily from posts by Aaron Bergman (Aaron14).
Here are the currently supported Easter Eggs:
erad - Starve yourself
fred - See what it looks like if you win the game
FUND - Embezzle $10,000
hole - Dig lots of holes
jeff - Start a colony an every patch
jenn - Unlimited health for black colony
joke - read a joke
just - Get 10 queens
mick - Put the spider into reverse
rand - Restores yellow ant's health to 100%
QEEN - Add another red queen
qeen - Add another black queen
susi - Unlimited health for yellow ant
will - Never lose a fight against a red ant
You can access these without SimAnt Cheater, by typing in the 4 letter code, capitalization counts.
Here's some other tricks which are possible within SimAnt (listed for your enjoyment, they have nothing to do with this INIT):
Option-R - Makes it rain (Try while indoors)
Option-2 - Turns on and off laser spider
Shft-opt-click on red ant while Xchanging -- change into red ant
Shft-opt-dubl-click somewhere while holding something --
Clones it--puts it down and you will still have your own
Dig down near bottom of nest -- secret passage to red nest
Cmd-Dubl-Click on yourself -- digs a hole where you are
Please let me know if you know of any others.
I like to know how many people get my programs and how far they get spread. Please take the time to drop me a line if you pick this up. Also, let me know if you'd like me notify you of updates or other products I produce.
I've had one report of an incompatability with Disk Doubler, so be aware that the possibility exists that SimAnt Cheater may cause problems with Disk Doubler. I'm interested in hearing from other users of Disk doubler, to try to get a handle on this bug.